How to Add a Slide to Your Stairs: A Fun Home Improvement Project

Adding a slide to your stairs is a unique and exciting home improvement project that can bring joy to both kids and adults. It’s a fantastic way to add a playful element to your home, making it a conversation piece and a fun way to get from one floor to another. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to add a slide to your stairs, from planning and design to installation and safety considerations.

Planning and Design

1. Assess Your Space

Before you begin, evaluate the space around your staircase. Consider the following:

  • The width and length of your staircase.
  • The available space at the bottom for a safe landing area.
  • Any obstacles that might interfere with the slide installation.

2. Choose the Type of Slide

There are several types of slides you can consider:

  • Straight Slides: Simple and straightforward, best for long, straight staircases.
  • Curved Slides: Adds a fun twist, ideal for staircases with more space.
  • Spiral Slides: Great for maximizing fun in a compact area, but more complex to install.

3. Design the Slide

Sketch your slide design, including dimensions and materials. Decide whether the slide will be built into the side of the stairs or installed as a separate structure.

Materials and Tools

Gather the necessary materials and tools for your project:

  • Plywood or plastic for the slide surface.
  • Lumber for support structures.
  • Screws, nails, and brackets for assembly.
  • Safety padding for the landing area.
  • Carpentry tools such as a saw, drill, and measuring tape.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

1. Measure and Cut the Materials

  • Measure the length and width of your staircase.
  • Cut the plywood or plastic to the desired slide length and width.
  • Cut lumber to build the supporting frame.

2. Build the Slide Frame

  • Construct a sturdy frame using the cut lumber. Ensure it aligns with the staircase.
  • Secure the frame to the staircase using brackets and screws.

3. Attach the Slide Surface

  • Attach the plywood or plastic surface to the frame. Ensure it is securely fastened and smooth.
  • Sand down any rough edges to prevent injuries.

4. Install Safety Features

  • Add safety rails along the sides of the slide to prevent falls.
  • Place padding at the bottom of the slide for a safe landing.

Safety Considerations

1. Ensure Structural Integrity

  • Double-check all connections and supports to ensure the slide is stable.
  • Test the slide with a weighted object before allowing anyone to use it.

2. Supervise Use

  • Always supervise children while they use the slide.
  • Establish rules to ensure safe play, such as one person at a time and no pushing.

3. Regular Maintenance

  • Regularly inspect the slide for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Tighten any loose screws or bolts and replace worn-out padding as needed.


Adding a slide to your stairs can be a fun and rewarding home improvement project that delights everyone in your household. With careful planning, the right materials, and attention to safety, you can create a unique feature that adds both entertainment and value to your home.


Q: How much does it cost to add a slide to stairs?
A: The cost can vary widely depending on materials and design complexity. On average, it may range from $300 to $1,500.

Q: Can I install a slide on any staircase?
A: Most staircases can accommodate a slide, but you need to ensure there’s enough space and that the structure can support the installation.

Q: Are there professional services for installing slides?
A: Yes, there are companies that specialize in custom slide installations. Hiring a professional can ensure a safe and high-quality build.

Q: What materials are best for a slide surface?
A: Plywood with a smooth finish or durable plastic are commonly used materials for slide surfaces.

Q: How do I maintain the slide?
A: Regularly check for any damage, tighten loose screws, and replace worn-out parts as needed to ensure safety.

Adding a slide to your stairs is not just a fun idea but a project that can enhance your home’s functionality and appeal. With this guide, you’re well on your way to creating a playful and engaging feature in your home.